MCT Powder Before Workout – Ultimate Way To Increase Endurance

Dr. Michael John
MD, G. Med
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are small triglycerides with an aliphatic tail of six to 12 carbon atoms and two or three fatty acids. The MCTs with well-known health benefits include caproic acid (C6), caprylic acid (C8), and capric acid (C10).
Medium-chain triglycerides are an excellent source of energy. Unlike LCT’s, they are able to easily cross the double membrane of mitochondria and do not require carnitine for fat metabolism. Adequate intake of MCTs in the form of oil or powder supplement increases acetyl-CoA levels, which causes rapid formation of ketones that can be further used as a potent energy source.
MCTs have been shown to rev up metabolism and turn the body into a mean, fat burning machine. Within the natural foods industry, they have recently gained lots of popularity and known to provide consumers with more energy, increased endurance, and faster recovery. Researchers and ditetians have found that taking MCT oil or powder in a pre-workout beverage 30-45 minutes before workout provide an alternative energy source to pre-workout carbohydrates [1] and help athletes to increase energy levels during training.
MCTs are known for their potent fat-burning properties. One reason is their ability to keep users feeling fuller longer. Studies have shown that MCTs stimulate the production of two hormones – called peptide YY and leptin – that are associated with promoting satiety in the body [2]. Taking MCTs have also been evidenced to help people to shed those extra belly pounds and lose waist circumference. [3] [4]
Taking MCTs as a part of pre-workout diet is perfect for high-intensity workouts and training sessions. MCTs, such as C8 and C10, can actually increase training intensity and endurance without the fear of storing extra fat. This can help you to keep up with the training pace and improve lean muscle growth long term. [5]
If you are an athlete or a professional sportsman, you may already know that increased levels of lactate in the body can have a negative impact on your muscular endurance and performance when exercising. MCTs are popular amongst athletes as they help to reduce lactate buildup. According to one study, athletes who took 5 grams of MCT oil or powder with food prior to activities like cycling had lower lactate levels compared to those who don’t take MCTs. [6]
Although MCT oil and powder both offer the same range of health benefits, MCT powder is more portable, has fewer digestive side-effects, and is more versatile for mixing purposes. Some research also suggests that taking MCT in powdered form is better for digestion/absorption and provide faster results. Premium MCT powder by JustSHAKE contains 7g of pure C8 and C10 MCT powder in one serving. It is one of the best MCT powders to include in your daily routine.
Taking MCT powder as a pre-workout supplement is ideal for boosting your physical and mental performance. You can add it to a pre-workout beverage, or use it in a protein smoothie to promote weight loss, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and increase endurance.